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Create and manage shared searches

Shared searches allow workflow item administrators to create custom searches and share them with all workflow item users or specific groups. Shared searches can be accessed on the Manage page under Shared in the Search panel and on the Work page in the search bar.

Create shared searches

Complete these steps to create shared searches:

  1. Access the Workflow Manager web app.
  2. Click the Design tab.

    The Design page appears.


    If you don’t have sufficient privileges, you won’t see the Design tab.

  3. Click the Settings button Settings.

    If you don’t have sufficient privileges, you won’t see the Settings button.

  4. Click the Shared Searches tab.
  5. Click Create New in the Shared Searches panel.
  6. Type a SQL expression in the Filters text box using the following example:

    Searches for all high priority jobs that are not closed

    priority='High' AND closed=0
  7. Optionally, create a custom display for your search results.
    1. Click Add Display Field.
    2. Type a field name in the Display Fields text box.
    3. Type a name for the column displayed in the search results in the Display Names text box.
    4. Click Add Display Field and repeat steps a through c to add additional display fields as necessary.
    5. Optionally, change the order of the fields by clicking the Move Field To Top Move Field To Top or Move Field To Bottom Move Field To Bottom button or by clicking the Reorder Field button Reorder Field and dragging the it to the desired location.

      Fields can be deleted by clicking the Delete Field button Delete Field.

  8. Optionally, add sort fields to change the sort order of your shared search results.
    1. Click Add Sort Field.
    2. Type a field name in the Sort Fields text box.
    3. Click the Sort Order drop-down arrow and choose a sorting method.
    4. Click Add Sort Field and repeat steps a through c to add additional sort fields as necessary.
    5. Optionally, change the order of the fields by clicking the Move Field To Top Move Field To Top or Move Field To Bottom Move Field To Bottom button or by clicking the Reorder Field button Reorder Field and dragging it to the desired location.

      Fields can be deleted by clicking the Delete Field button Delete Field.

  9. Choose one of the following options in the Share Search With section:
    • Everyone—Choose this option to share the search with all workflow item users.
    • Group—Choose this option and click the Shared To check box next to each group you want to give access to the shared search.
  10. Click Save to save the changes.

Edit shared searches

Complete these steps to edit shared searches:

  1. Access the Workflow Manager web app.
  2. Click the Design tab.

    The Design page appears.


    If you don’t have sufficient privileges, you won’t see the Design tab.

  3. Click the Settings button Settings.

    If you don’t have sufficient privileges, you won’t see the Settings button.

  4. Click the Shared Searches tab.
  5. Click the name of the shared search you want to edit in the Saved Searches list.

    You can filter the Saved Searches list by typing a search term in the Search Saved Searches text box.

  6. Update search settings as necessary.
  7. Optionally, click Test Search to test the new search settings.
  8. Click Save to save the changes.

Delete shared searches

Deleting a shared search is permanent and can’t be undone. Complete these steps to delete shared searches:

  1. Access the Workflow Manager web app.
  2. Click the Design tab.

    The Design page appears.


    If you don’t have sufficient privileges, you won’t see the Design tab.

  3. Click the Settings button Settings.

    If you don’t have sufficient privileges, you won’t see the Settings button.

  4. Click the Shared Searches tab.
  5. Click the name of the shared search you want to delete in the Saved Searches list.

    You can filter the Saved Searches list by typing a search term in the Search Saved Searches text box.

  6. Click the More Actions button More Actions in the right panel and click Delete Search.
  7. Click Yes to delete the group role, or click No to cancel.

Searchable fields

The following is a list of searchable fields and their descriptions:

Field nameDescriptionExample SQL expression


The current branch versions associated with the job

active_versions like '%JOB_343%'


The people to whom the job is assigned

assigned_to = 'wmxuser'


The type of assignment (User, Group, or Unassigned)

assigned_type = 'User'


The closed state of the job in integer format

closed = 1


The person who created the job

created_by = 'wmxuser'


The job's creation date

created_date >= '5/7/2020'


The job's current active steps

current_step = 'Data Edits'


The unique identifier of the current step in the job's workflow diagram

current_step_id = 'f50d740d-cc04-9296-4ce3-181e82604465'


The job description

description like '%Data Edits%'


The job's workflow diagram

diagram = 'AV22bnx4LL5H4Mf3yv_R'


The job's workflow diagram version

diagram_version = 1


The job's scheduled end date

due_date >= '5/7/2020'


The date the job was closed

end_date = '5/7/2020'


The unique identifier of the job

job_id = 'AV22cQZOLL5H4Mf3yv_T'


The job's name

job_name like '%JOB%'


The job's status

job_status = 'Ready to Work'


The unique identifier of the job template from which the job was created

job_template_id = 'AV22cQZOLL5H4Mf3yv_T'


The name of the job template from which the job was created

job_template_name = 'Data Edits'


The job's owner

owned_by = 'wmxuser'


The priority of the job in string format

priority = 'Low'


The priority of the job in integer format

priority_rank = 10


The job's scheduled start date

start_date >= '5/7/2020'


The date the job was started

started_date >= '5/7/2020'

Display and sort fields

The following is a list of display and sort fields and their descriptions:

Field nameDescription


The current branch versions associated with the job


The people to whom the job is assigned


The type of assignment (User, Group, or Unassigned)


The closed state of the job in integer format


The person who created the job


The job's creation date


The job's current active steps


The unique identifier of the current step in the job's workflow diagram


The job description


The job's workflow diagram


The job's workflow diagram version


The job's scheduled end date


The date the job was closed


The unique identifier of the job


The job's name


The job's status


The unique identifier of the job template from which the job was created


The name of the job template from which the job was created


The job's owner


The priority of the job in string format


The priority of the job in integer format


The job's scheduled start date


The date the job was started